Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Romancing the Bloggers...

For many people, the question is, "would you date someone who has a blog?" The implication is that said person who has a blog will undoubtedly blog in some way about your relationship. But increasingly, for bloggers, the question is morphing and becomes "would you date someone who didn't have a blog?" Over at WebProNews, Ken Yarmosh talks about why he'd like to date women bloggers:
It may sound funny but blogging may actually help foster more successful dating relationships. Why? Well just take a look at their blog either before or after a date and you'll begin to get a pretty decent picture of their beliefs, ideology, and interests. If their blog exists in a social environment like MySpace or Xanga, you can also get a pretty good idea as to who they are "interacting" with on a regular basis - yeah, I'm probably going to stay away from the girl who has tons of comments from other guys, she may be a bit too flirty. Would I date someone who doesn't have a blog? Yes, I guess I would. But blogging is attractive. It means the wheels are turning upstairs. It shows that someone is observant, pensive, and engaged in their world.
Oh Ken...have I got some really great, spunky, pensive girls for you...


NotCarrie said...

I can't even deal with the people who think blogs are weird. They just don't understand!

Anonymous said...

If my significant other did have a blog, I would rather she blathered on about the nonsense in her brain on the BLOG, rather than making me listen to it in person.

As opposed to, of course, writing about the important stuff on the blog and making me actually listen to the narrishkeit.

Unknown said...

I'm adjectiveless?! Is that good or bad? *lol*

Anonymous said...

Ari - you're not only "have," you're also "spunky"! I'm "pensive." Seems appropriate...

Anonymous said...

I first had to go back and confirm that Ken Y wanted someone 'pensive'. That's an unusual request. An Ipod with Copland's 'Quiet city' on it. But I'm thinking for the 20 something crowd he may have something there. Of course most of the folks I know are too busy to blog, unless it's integral to their work.

But there's still plenty of mysteries folks. You can be married and blogless for many years and still be discovering strange & wonderful things about your beloved. And then there's the not so pleasant surprises too. With a blog this is just likely happening more quickly and earlier. Sounds about typical for progress in the new age.

Anonymous said...

I have always stated (and otherrs agreed) that I would never want to read my girlfriend/wife's diary (this is pre-blog days). It would likely be destructive to the relationship, as some thoughts should never be shared. Indeed, that is what the mind is for. A closed place where one can explore and hash out ideas BEFORE opening their mouth. A diary is supposed to be an extension of that closed place. Unfortunately, bloggers cross that line - and I have seen enough open bloggers get hurt because they opened their e-mouth before thinking things through. Remember, there are two types of blogs. The good ones, where social, political, business issues are raised and discussed. And the bad ones, where the writer egocentrically shares the inane details of their life. I'd date the former. Not the latter.