Monday, August 01, 2005

The Week in Dating

What week in dating? I know it's only Monday. But start the week with last Monday if it makes more sense to you. If you've been thinking about calling E-Cyrano to help you with your profile, now's the time to help yourself and me at the same time. First, go here and decide which package is for you. Then, on the “buy” page, you’ll see that they've added an option to “How did you hear about E-Cyrano”, that says “E-Cyrano consultant”. If you do that, the page will refresh and you can type in my first name ("ESTHER"), so I can get “credit” for the referral and the client will be assigned to me. (Tell your friends! Thank you!) First, we'll visit with the regular gals and see what they're up to: Hilary had the blahs before the weekend, but her mood was much improved after a well-deserved few days away. Annabel Lee is up to date #3 with an E who (just to clarify) is not me and whose manners are devolving more and more with every date (unfortunately). That guy who usurped my initial better step up, or I am reporting him to the Committee on "E" Abuse. And Ari strikes again, by giving us just enough to keep us curious, but it seems fairly clear that she both kissed a new boy and saw a celebrity. I think if those things both happened to me on the same night, I'd probably die of shock right there. I haven't linked to the Smitten in a while, because she's become a Bridezilla. Just kidding. She just wants it the way she wants it. But since she met her fiance via the wonderful world of blogging, I thought she was worth including as a role model. Plus, chiquita (and her man, the chico) totally rocked Weight Watchers into oblivion. (If only that kind of success were contagious...) Barefoot Jewess, whose blog I don't visit nearly often enough, muses as to "how Jewish" she needs a life-partner to be. Here's a new blog, found via Superjux, wherein the author reflects on all of her first dates. Even for first dates, my blog on the same topic would be extremely short, and not very interesting. Just like most of my first dates. Over at Jewlicious, Laya posted about JQS Corp, which runs JMatch and is trying to give JDate a run for their money. They have a really cool blog, which features content from Jewlicious (including some posts by yours truly), and now have regular text-based instant chat as well as voice and video chat. Since we're plugging sites here, some of you internet-inclined Jewish daters may also wish to try the free-to-register JSoul, which is run by a friend of mine. Feel free to write them or me with your feedback... And of course, in case you haven't been paying attention (please present palms, as I smack them with a ruler), Dr. Janice relaunched her site. Check her out, sign up for her newsletter etc. After all, as she stated in an earlier comment, she's "here to help!" Have you ever wondered why people can be such jerks when it comes to dating, finally, we have the answer: it's all our celebrities fault. According to this article, our celebrities are pretty poor role models when it comes to relationships. I mean, how often has it happened to us that our boyfriends leave us for Angelina Jolie? And what's their excuse? "Brad Pitt did it..." In the world of this article, Sienna Miller=all that is good and Hillary Clinton and Victoria Beckham=women who accept their husbands' philanderings without standing up for themselves. Well, an interesting theory. You know what else is interesting? The concept of an Israeli version of the Bachelor, but starring an American guy from NYC. Esther at Jewlicious (I always enjoy her writing) shares her impressions of yet another Israeli reality show she'll never get to see, this one starring a guy who looks not entirely unlike David Boreanaz, which is never a bad thing (and shout-out to Jason for that call). And in a note only slightly related to dating, my friend Mark is one of the writers featured in Situation: Comedy, the new Project-Greenlight-style reality series on Bravo where the end product is a sitcom. (How's that related to dating? Last year, Mark, a friend of mine from camp who's been living in LA, married Mindy, another friend of mine who was living in New York. They didn't meet through me, but they could have, which proves a) that long-distance relationships can work if the people want them to, and b) that if everyone hangs out with me enough, you'll probably all end up married.) Watch the show (Tuesdays at 8, I believe), go to his site, leave him messages of support, link to him from your blogs, and tell him Esther sent you... That's all for now. Date well and wisely, and feel free to share the best and the worst with me. Like Dr. Janice, I'm here to help!


Anonymous said...

You definitely help. And you definitely rock. And you're the coolest "E" I know, bar none. :)

Esther Kustanowitz said...

Thanks Annabel Lee. Chutzpah, m'dear, you know that I don't dish here unless it's shrouded in incomprehensibly poetic and metaphorical language. Not fair to the gentlemen callers. Good luck with the date though. Maybe he has a wild side. (Not that I approve of that sort of thing.) You never know.

Anonymous said...

Just you wait, my pretty, just you wait... until they start telling you how to wear your hair and paint your nails!

As for WW, Alex and I stopped going. Just didn't have time, and I'd plateaued for so long, I was tired of them telling me to "keep on keeping on," ugh, while I paid them for it. That said, prewedding stress seems to be finishing up where they left off. Cept those last 10, they're mine for now and ever, I think.

Anonymous said...

Mark and Mindy? Now where have I heard that sounds so familiar....Oh, shazbat!