Friday, June 04, 2004


I guess there's always a way to make lemonade from JDate-given censored lemons. A reader writes: I think the jdate censors now block the word "excite." There is a guy whose profile used to begin, "Promise to Excite and Entice..." (He's in my list of people who've viewed my profile. Now it says, "Promise to and Entice..." Is this because some small number of people use an email service at Soon there will be nothing left. I'm glad you've exposed this problem, though, because now I am not as judgmental about sentences that seem disjointed. Instead of assuming the writers are careless or stupid, I can blame it on jdate... I agree. Knowing that there are other forces at work on these profiles make me also think twice about discarding a profile for perceived lapses in otherwise-coherent sentences. I'm more tolerant now, and it's all because of me. :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My new favorite is the guy who wants to share a bottle of "Caber" over dinner. I guess "net" is off limits now.